Oxford, UK, 1987
Stephen Hawking in his office/lab at King’s College, Cambridge, UK. Taken for Time magazine in 1987, this image won a World Press Award in 1988 and also won American Photograph of the Year Award 1988. Hawking asked David Gamble if this photo could be used for the front cover and book jacket of A Brief History of Time, and it is included in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London, UK. Seven years later, Gamble again photographed Hawking in Cambridge along with Errol Morris on the set of his film A Brief History of Time.
“Hawking always left open the possibility of an intelligent creator of the universe. It’s interesting to me, as is any philosophical approach to religion.
The act of faith and believing without having concrete facts applies to physics as well–after all, research starts with the belief that something exists. That belief then inspires you to search until you can prove your faith was justified.
During his life, Stephen Hawking committed to researching the great unanswered questions of why humans exist within the universe and how they can begin to understand time, space, and eternity.” – David Gamble
World-famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking is a cultural icon not only for his scientific contributions but also for his humor, courage, and persistence. Hawking embodies the spirit of knowledge and innovation, and his processes continue to drive modern physics even today. In addition, he stands as a symbolic representation of steadfastness in the face of difficulty, particularly through the lens of disabilities. After receiving his diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in 1962, Hawking was given two years to live at most; Hawking wound up living until March of 2018. His refusal to allow his disability to interrupt his scientific pursuits made him a role model for people with disabilities, and he delivered many speeches and participated in countless fundraising events throughout his life. Overall, his story epitomizes the progression of human accomplishment, and urges us to not allow anything to interrupt our pursuits.
Available sizes:
- 20 x 24 on paper Edition size: 20
- 20 x 24 on metal Edition size: 10
- 30 x 40 on paper Edition size: 6
- 30 x 40 on metal Edition size: 6
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