Kostis Georgiou

Context - Art Miami




November 30 – December 5, 2021

Booth B14

I AM OCEAN, displayed at ART MIAMI/CONTEXT (booth #B14) is a celebration, through both photography and sculpture, of the element that composes over 70% of our planet and 70% of our bodies. Inspired by our gallery’s conservationist undertakings, I AM OCEAN seeks to inspire positive change through exposure, displaying the incomparable majesty, depth, and power that Earth’s oceans encompass. It is, ultimately, a reminder that human beings and water exist within a symbiotic realm of one another, and that water is the fundamental essence of life.

General Admission and VIP passes available now.

Please contact us at arica@hiltoncontemporary.com if you would like to attend.

Art Miami-Paul Nicklen_s Postcard2

Dear Friends,

It is with great pleasure I invite you to join us for our first major art fair in two years. We are thrilled to participate in the CONTEXT Edition of ART MIAMI.

Opening night is Tuesday, November 30th. If you are unable to be in Miami next week, you can still see our exhibition remotely on Artsy! (We will send you links.)

Our theme this year is I AM OCEAN, featuring works from acclaimed photographers, filmmakers and marine biologists Paul Nicklen and Cristina Mittermeier, co-founders of leading ocean conservancy organization SeaLegacy, alongside David Yarrow (UK) and internationally known artists and sculptors Kostis Georgiou (Athens, Greece), Hugh Arnold (south of France), Sophia Collier (California), David Gamble (UK) Jack Perno (Chicago) and Christian Voigt (Hamburg, Germany).

Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen will be in attendance for the fair, with an artist talk to follow.

We also be featuring David Yarrows latest recreation of yet another scene from the Wolf of Wall Street film titled, “Get the F***Off My Boat.” Our exhibition will be awash in ocean related imagery. Excuse the pun!

After much planning and praying, we at last received (in the nick of time) two monumental sculptures (an 8 ft Red Diver and a life size Blue Bull with dancer on aluminum (along with a charming Hedgehog and a few other smaller pieces) from our friend and one the most celebrated artists from Athens, Greece, Kostis Georgiou. The sculptures will be exhibited in the Special Projects section of CONTEXT.

If you plan to be in Miami, please reach out to us. We will send you VIP tickets to the show. We look forward to seeing you, either in Miami or back in Chicago.

With my warm regards,
